Soulanges Elementary School students welcomed multidisciplinary artist Adele Reeves to give arts workshops over a six week period.  She led them in a collective visual art project. Students created individual pieces, shaping them from clay, painting them after firing, and finally assembling the pieces together into a mosaic, resulting in a large ceramic mural.

Adele works in many different mediums, such as clay, concrete, acrylics, oils, watercolor, and charcoal – each medium lending itself to a particular feeling that tells a unique story.  To see some of Adele’s own professional work, please visit

Soulanges Elementary School’s ArtistsInspire Grant experience was made possible by an ELAN Quebec/LEARN partnership for students from Quebec’s English-speaking communities to participate in arts and culture experiences, thanks in part to funding from the Government of Canada.

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Adele guiding the students on the process of the mosaic. (Photo by Kate Claire, teacher)

Mosaic produced by the students at Soulanges Elementary School. (Photo by Kate Claire, teacher)