Celebrating Year 4 of ArtistsInspire Grants!
The ELAN ArtEd team would like to offer a big thank you to the schools, teachers, Teaching Artists and organizational partners who worked so hard to foster student creativity and make Year 4 of ArtistsInspire a success! In the 2022-23 school year, ArtistsInspire supported:
- 213 grants
- 198 school projects across Quebec
- 79 different Teaching Artists through at least one grant
- participation of approximately 17 000 students in AIG projects
- approximately 1700 workshops facilitated by our amazing roster of Teaching Artists
What do Teaching Artists mean to Teachers?
Our favourite feedback comes from students and school partners. As Catherine Gannon, the Enrichment Teacher of MIND High School, writes,
“Through these experiences [with Teaching Artist Svens Telemaque], we saw students build their confidence and enjoy the art of public speaking. By sharing his poetry, stories and advice with our students, through humour, care and leading by example, Svens skillfully engaged our students in lessons of bravery they won’t soon forget.”
Teachers regularly comment on:
- Artists’ ability to inspire and connect with students,
- Artists’ ability to integrate Arts and Culture experiences with curriculum goals, and
- The ArtEd team’s prompt and helpful support, from connecting with Artists to completing the feedback process.
This year’s ArtistsInspire projects used the art-making process to address key areas in education such as:
For more on Year 4 ArtistsInspire experiences see:
In addition, ELAN’s ArtEd team is thrilled that our funding has been extended by one year! We look forward to collaborating with you in Year 5 of ArtistsInspire. Applications are open on July 1, 2023.
Thank you once again for all the work and dedication you put into fostering students’ creativity!
The ELAN ArtEd Team
Guillaume Jabbour, Barbara von Thaden, Christie Huff & Louise Campbell