Hillcrest Academy Elementary School in Chomedey, Laval welcomed visual artist Deirdre Potash to work on visual arts projects. She taught various techniques to the students from kindergarten to grade 6. Veronique Bond, Vice-Principal described how Hillcrest teachers were impressed with Deirdre’s planning and the range of activities she offered. “We loved having Deirdre in our school to share her passion with our students!”
Deidre has been an educator of the Fine Arts for over thirty years, teaching drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, and design. Her goal is to help students look, think critically, and discover the creative process through manipulating materials and trying out a wide range of techniques.
Hillcrest Academy Elementary School’s ArtistsInspire Grant experience was made possible by an ELAN Quebec/LEARN partnership for students from Quebec’s English-speaking communities to participate in arts and culture experiences, thanks in part to funding from the Government of Canada.
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Student’s artwork created with Deirdre Potash. (Above & below photos by Christine Gosselin, 3rd grade teacher)