november, 2022
This is a repeating eventnovember 16, 2022 2:30 pm
09nov2:30 pm3:45 pmOn-Screen Shadow Puppetry - Theaterwith Maggie Winston
Event Details
9 – 14+ Part 1: Wednesday November 9, 2:30 - 3:45 pm Part 2: Wednesday November 16, 2:30 - 3:45 pm Shadow puppetry is one of the oldest and most highly developed storytelling
Event Details
9 – 14+
Part 1: Wednesday November 9, 2:30 – 3:45 pm
Part 2: Wednesday November 16, 2:30 – 3:45 pm
Shadow puppetry is one of the oldest and most highly developed storytelling traditions in the world. Drawing on shadow puppet traditions from around the world, participants will learn how to play with light and shadow creating their own 2-D shadow puppets. Using the camera on a computer, phone, or iPad, participants will create their own shadow puppet shows that can be seen, shared, and enjoyed by all.
Materials: Cardboard box (no smaller than 10 in. X 10 in. on one side), sharp scissors, exacto knife and cutting mat (if you have it- the cutting can be accomplished with scissors), white paper (8.5 X 11 printer paper would work fine, must be blank on both sides), cardstock paper or thin cardboard (such as cereal boxes, tea boxes, granola bar boxes), clear tape, pencil and eraser, wood skewers or chopsticks (2 or more), flashlight or cell phone light (the single LED light on a phone works best)
* Prepare a place in your house where it can be as dark as possible. Make sure that you can set up your computer or device in this space.
QEP Competencies
ELA: (ELEM) To represent literacy in different media; To use language to communicate and learn; (HS) Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn; Represents her/his literacy in different media
Dramatic Arts: (ELEM) To invent short scenes; To appreciate dramatic works, personal productions and those of classmates; (HS) Creates dramatic works, Performs dramatic works
Visual Arts: (ELEM) To produce individual works and media works; To appreciate works of art, traditional artistic objects, media images, personal productions and those of classmates; (HS) Creates media images; Appreciates works of art and cultural objects from the world’s artistic heritage, personal images and media images
CCC: Uses information, Solves problems, Uses creativity, Uses information and communications technologies, Communicates appropriately
(Wednesday) 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
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