november, 2022

This is a repeating event

09nov1:00 pm2:00 pmBrazilian Carnaval Arts - Music, Dance, Visual Arts with Luciano Porto

Event Details

5 – 8 years old

Part 1: Wednesday November 9, 1 – 2 pm
Part 2: Wednesday November 16, 1 – 2 pm

The journey to the exciting world of Brazilian Carnaval begins. Drums, movement and colorful costumes collide to create a mobile celebration of freedom and self-expression. Workshop 1 provides an overview of Carnaval Art forms in Brazil with demonstrations, show and tell and interactive rhythm, movement and craft activities plus introduction to the follow-up craft activity. Participants will build their own costume and percussion instrument. During Workshop 2, participants will practice rhythms, dance and parade steps (introduced in the first workshop). They will show off the costumes/instruments made and the workshop will culminate in a mini carnival celebration!

Tools needed: Large scissors (capable of cutting harder materials), stapler, hole-puncher, marker

Materials for building and decoration: Packing tape (transparent, wide roll), masking Tape (or paint tape), glue (stick, white glue or glue gun), coloured bristol boards (OR one of cardboard/cereal/toy boxes / paper plates / coloured thin crafts foam from dollar store), small cylinder (4” to 6” long) metal or plastic from recyclables (e.g.: cans, PVC pipe, paper rolls), large cardboard or plastic cylinder min 6 inches in diameter (e.g. yogurt/ice cream large container, buckets/large jugs, sonotubes for cement pillars, beads for shaker (e.g. lentils, mung beans, rice – about two tablespoons, string (e.g. elastics, ribbons, yarn), 2 drum sticks (e.g. dowels of approx 8-12 inch – 3/8” diameter – OR any strong straight sticks), colourful Decorations (e.g. feathers, ribbons, confetti, coloured paper, pipe-cleaners, recycled/reused colourful materials, fabrics, present wrappings)

QEP Competencies

Music: To invent vocal or instrumental pieces; To interpret musical pieces; To appreciate musical works, personal productions and those of classmates

Dance: To invent dances; To interpret dances; To appreciate choreographic works, personal productions and those of classmates

Physical Education: To perform movement skills in different physical activity settings

CCC: Uses information, Uses creativity, Uses information and communications technologies



(Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


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