CBC Radio aired the play created by Grosse-Ile School in Magdalen Islands, through an ArtistsInspire Grant!
‘That’s me!’ ‘I recorded that!’ ‘That’s the guitar I made!’ ‘We did that!’
There’s nothing quite like seeing kids hear themselves on the radio for the first time. #ArtistsInspire Artist Louise Campbell leads children in music, sound, and multidisciplinary arts. She uses the arts to encourage students’ sense of wonder, understanding of themselves and their experiences, and engagement in the world. Louise worked on a Christmas-themed project with the Grades three and four students at Grosse-Ile School. We are grateful to Grosse-Ile School, CAMI, Louise Campbell, and Julia Caron for giving these kids the biggest thrill by hearing their names and their play on CBC radio.
Grosse-Ile School’s ArtistsInspire Grant experience was made possible by an ELAN Quebec/LEARN partnership for students from Quebec’s English-speaking communities to participate in arts and culture experiences, thanks in part to funding from Heritage Canada through the Government of Canada.
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Photo by Jonathan Patton