Tamsin Horsfall

Specialities: Collage, Comics, Drawing, Mask-making, Murals, Nature-focused art, Outdoor Art-making, Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Stop Motion Animation

Contact Info

Website address
Resides in
English Montreal

Social Media

Experience working with

  • Early childhood
  • Cycle 1 Elementary
  • Cycle 2 Elementary
  • Cycle 3 Elementary
  • Secondary 1 & 2
  • Secondary 3 & 4
  • Secondary 5
  • Senior Citizens

Lifelong Learners

  • Adult Learners

I regularly explore the following Broad Areas of Learning/Themes in my work

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Personal and Career Planning
  • Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
  • Media Literacy
  • Citizenship and Community Life (Identity & Belonging)

I've received CHSSN Mental Health Initiative training for:

  • Youth

Listed in the Quebec Culture in the Schools Repertoire

  • No

I have experience working with

  • Vancouver Community Education outreach program, Vancouver Crisis Centre. ( Vancouver Highschool workshops) West Vancouver Rec Centre ( art classes). Une Affairre D'Anglais, Quebec City ( summer children's camps, corporate classes). Cégep Garneau, Quebec City ( guest speaker). 4Cats Montroyal ( studio owner and art instructor). Montreal. Outremont En Famille ( children's art activities). Montreal. Dunrae Gardens elementary School. ( art instructor ECA program) Montreal.

I can facilitate virtual creative experiences

  • Yes


  • I am available for travel within the same day
  • An extended residency is an option
As a multi-disciplinary artist, I embrace all forms of art as an important means of interpreting our internal and external world. I have facilitated ECA visual arts programs, community outreach programs, and corporate art activities. I was former owner and operator of 4Cats art studio hosting camps, classes and arts events for youth and adults ( 4CatsMontroyal) I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History (UCT) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting and drawing (Concordia).

Creative Approach and Experiences Offered

In my workshops and classes, we explore colour, layering and sculpture by experimenting with a variety of materials. Emphasis is on learning to think spatially and creatively through observation of the surroundings and converting those observations to imaginative design. Observation skills are developed mostly through compositional skills, through collage & printmaking, and colour juxtaposition through painting. Drawing is used to help formulate ideas and clay to formulate these ideas into 3-D art forms. My approach is to work collaboratively with teachers particularly when it comes to themes and budget. Aside from teaching drawing and painting skills ( watercolour, acrylic, tempura) my workshops have included techniques using ceramics, polymer clay, papier mâché and stop motion animation- all of which are adaptable to zoom!


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