Tamsin Horsfall
Specialities: Collage, Comics, Drawing, Mask-making, Murals, Nature-focused art, Outdoor Art-making, Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Pottery, Sculpture, Stop Motion Animation
Contact Info
Email address
Website address
Resides in
English Montreal
Social Media
Experience working with
Student In
- Early childhood
- Cycle 1 Elementary
- Cycle 2 Elementary
- Cycle 3 Elementary
- Secondary 1 & 2
- Secondary 3 & 4
- Secondary 5
- Senior Citizens
Lifelong Learners
- Adult Learners
I regularly explore the following Broad Areas of Learning/Themes in my work
- Health and Wellbeing
- Personal and Career Planning
- Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
- Media Literacy
- Citizenship and Community Life (Identity & Belonging)
I've received CHSSN Mental Health Initiative training for:
- Youth
Listed in the Quebec Culture in the Schools Repertoire
- No
I have experience working with
- Vancouver Community Education outreach program, Vancouver Crisis Centre. ( Vancouver Highschool workshops) West Vancouver Rec Centre ( art classes). Une Affairre D'Anglais, Quebec City ( summer children's camps, corporate classes). Cégep Garneau, Quebec City ( guest speaker). 4Cats Montroyal ( studio owner and art instructor). Montreal. Outremont En Famille ( children's art activities). Montreal. Dunrae Gardens elementary School. ( art instructor ECA program) Montreal.
I can facilitate virtual creative experiences
- Yes
- I am available for travel within the same day
- An extended residency is an option
As a multi-disciplinary artist, I embrace all forms of art as an important means of interpreting our internal and external world. I have facilitated ECA visual arts programs, community outreach programs, and corporate art activities. I was former owner and operator of 4Cats art studio hosting camps, classes and arts events for youth and adults ( 4CatsMontroyal) I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History (UCT) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting and drawing (Concordia).