Kiran Ambwani

Film, Photo & Digital Media
Specialities: Nature-focused art, Outdoor Art-making, Printmaking, Photography, Public Installations

Contact Info

Email address
Website address
Resides in
English Montreal

Social Media

Experience working with

  • Cycle 3 Elementary
  • Secondary 1 & 2
  • Secondary 3 & 4
  • Secondary 5
  • Senior Citizens

Lifelong Learners

  • Adult Learners

I regularly explore the following Broad Areas of Learning/Themes in my work

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Personal and Career Planning
  • Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
  • Media Literacy
  • Citizenship and Community Life (Identity & Belonging)

I've received CHSSN Mental Health Initiative training for:

  • Youth
  • Older adults

Listed in the Quebec Culture in the Schools Repertoire

  • No

I have experience working with

  • Photovoice

I can facilitate virtual creative experiences

  • Yes


  • I am available for travel within the same day
  • I am available for travel overnight
  • An extended residency is an option
A portrait, documentary and fine arts photographer based in Montreal, I freelance for advertising agencies, publications, and non-profit organizations. My projects have been published and exhibited internationally, with the aim to support, connect, inspire & educate communities. In recent years I have been sharing my passion for photography by facilitating informal photography workshops and cultural mediation activities for various schools and communities in Canada & abroad.

Creative Approach and Experiences Offered

My photography workshops aim to provide a creative space for photographic exploration, team-building, communication and self-expression. Participants learn about photography and the artistic practice of a professional photographer. After learning the basic concepts of photography, participants go out to visually explore their lives and communities. Workshops can be general or focused on a particular theme (wellness, identity, resilience) or creative technique (sun prints, pinhole cameras, macro nature photography, etc). I have conducted informal workshops for various communities and different age groups, in Canada and abroad, with the aim of helping participants explore and develop their unique visual voice. The resulting visual explorations typically culminate in an online or printed exhibition to share with the public.

One-Day Event Description

Life in Blue

We will use the sun to create blue and white prints! In this camera-less workshop, students will learn about cyanotypes, an old alternative photographic printing process. They will be encouraged to bring objects of significance to them to experiment with and to create their cyanotypes. After making smaller individual pieces, students could participate in the creation of a larger collective piece. Teachers can organize a mini exhibition of the works at the end of the project!

0-30 students per group

Here is a video of a cyanotype project my colleague Chloe Charbonnier and I facilitated with seniors and youth in Hochelaga neighbourhood in summer 2022, a project conceptualized by the collective Petits Oeuvres Multimedias (POM):

A mix of science and art, this is a super fun creative project which I have had facilitated for various groups over the past few years, and the participants have always had a lot of fun learning about this alternative printing process and using the sun to print their images!
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