Over three days at Drummondville Elementary School, Antonia Leney-Granger  worked with four teachers and their Grades 1 and 2 students to bring a story book to life.  Antonia is a theatre artist specializing in object theatre, shadow work and puppetry. Students learned to take everyday items and use them to create meaningful stories and performances. They were able to share their stories through performance, building their confidence and learning to express their voice and connect with others.  Drummondville Elementary teachers used the activities completed during the workshops as part of their art curriculum and evaluation. 

Antonia Leney-Granger is a Montreal-based puppeteer, director and educator specializing in object theatre to make complex ideas accessible and fun. Antonia also works as an educator in puppetry for children and teens, and as artistic collaborator and assistant director for Théâtre de la Pire Espèce, Belzébrute, Théâtre de la Petite Marée, Rencontre Théâtre Ados, and Maison Théâtre.

Drummondville Elementary School’s ArtistsInspire Grant experience was made possible by an ELAN Quebec/LEARNpartnership for students from Quebec’s English-speaking communities to participate in arts and culture experiences, thanks in part to funding from Heritage Canada through the  Government of Canada#elanqc #elanarted #elanace #artistsinspire#TeachLearnHelp

Drummondville Grade 2 class experimenting with object theater. (Photo by Lana Fontaine)

Grade 2 students sharing stories through object theater. (Photo by Geneviève Manseau)