Teresa Dorey

Specialities: Drawing, Mask-making, Nature-focused art, Outdoor Art-making, Painting, Photography, Pottery, Public Installations, Recycling/upcylcing art projects, Sculpture, Stop Motion Animation

Contact Info

Email address
Phone Number
Website address
Resides in
English Montreal

Social Media

Experience working with

  • Early childhood
  • Cycle 1 Elementary
  • Cycle 2 Elementary
  • Cycle 3 Elementary
  • Secondary 1 & 2
  • Secondary 3 & 4
  • Secondary 5
  • Senior Citizens

Lifelong Learners

  • Adult Learners

I regularly explore the following Broad Areas of Learning/Themes in my work

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Environmental Awareness and Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
  • Citizenship and Community Life (Identity & Belonging)

I've received CHSSN Mental Health Initiative training for:

  • Children & Pre-teens

Listed in the Quebec Culture in the Schools Repertoire

  • Yes

I can facilitate virtual creative experiences

  • Yes


  • I am available for travel within the same day
  • I am available for travel overnight
  • An extended residency is an option
As a visual artist and educator, I believe in the power of art to enhance learning and mindfulness. I have over ten years of experience in the field of education and art. I enjoy working with students of all levels and in various mediums. I studied visual art and psychology at university, emphasizing creativity as a modality for therapy and education. My workshops tend to focus on the process over the product, encouraging participation and inclusion regardless of skill level.

Creative Approach and Experiences Offered

Students will work with art as a modality for education with customizable options for each level and workshop. This project aims to enhance mindfulness and enjoy the experience of creating while learning new skills related to the artistic medium. For instance, if the teacher selects clay as the principal medium, the students will learn about biology and geology in terms of how it relates to ceramics. If the choice of workshop refers to painting, a brief introduction to colour theory and how the eye perceives colour will be introduced. Each workshop will be unique based on students' needs, facilities and levels. As an educator, I aim to integrate learning with creativity to enhance mindfulness and, ultimately, new ways for students to learn.
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