Joy Ross-Jones
Specialities: Comedy Improv, Creative writing, Improvisation, Storytelling
Contact Info
Email address
Phone Number
Website address
Resides in
English Montreal
Experience working with
Student In
- Early childhood
- Cycle 1 Elementary
- Cycle 2 Elementary
- Cycle 3 Elementary
- Secondary 5
Lifelong Learners
- Adult Learners
I regularly explore the following Broad Areas of Learning/Themes in my work
- Citizenship and Community Life (Identity & Belonging)
Listed in the Quebec Culture in the Schools Repertoire
- No
I have experience working with
- Imago Theatre's Artista Program, Geordie Theatre School
I can facilitate virtual creative experiences
- No
- I am not available for travel
I’m Joy, a Venezuelan-Canadian theatre performer, storyteller, and teacher.
As a theatre artist, my story features heavily in what I create. I know from my personal experience that finding a sense of belonging in the world is challenging. I also know there are a million reasons why youth don’t feel at home in their own skin. Through physical, vocal, and written theatre exercises, I hope to give students the tools to explore their own lives, and find empowerment by telling their own stories.
As a theatre artist, my story features heavily in what I create. I know from my personal experience that finding a sense of belonging in the world is challenging. I also know there are a million reasons why youth don’t feel at home in their own skin. Through physical, vocal, and written theatre exercises, I hope to give students the tools to explore their own lives, and find empowerment by telling their own stories.
Creative Approach and Experiences Offered
*I am still building this curriculum. Please get in touch if you want more specific information!My goal is to use personal storytelling to help young people step more confidently into their skin, and through the world.
I overlap many techniques in my workshops to help students mine their lives, create content, and find the confidence to tell their stories.
The techniques I use are:
Group games and play
Creative writing
Original movement
**Note, that I can adapt workshops depending on the needs and interests of each group.