ArtistsInspire funding renewal!
The ELAN ArtEd team is thrilled to announce that our funding has been renewed for four more years of ArtistsInspire! With the renewal of our funding, we are renewing our commitment to supporting English public elementary and secondary schools in Quebec through quality Arts & Culture Experiences with a professional artist. We are grateful for the financial support of the Government of Canada, which will allow us to be able to continue this program until 2028. The ELAN ArtEd team would like to offer a big thank you to the funders, schools, teachers, teaching artists and organizational partners who work so hard to foster student creativity.
If you need help, ELAN’s ArtEd Team is happy to speak with you about how connecting with the Arts & Artists can make a difference for teachers, students and schools. Contact Louise Campbell, our new ArtistsInspire project manager, at, to explore your interests and get recommendations on artists who would connect well with your needs. Contact Barb von Thaden, our grants administrator, at or 438-979-1171 to help you through the application process. For everyone who knows and loves Guillaume, not to worry! Guillaume remains a part of the team as ArtEd coach.
Now for Year 6 of ArtistsInspire
There is much to celebrate… and plan for! Applications are now open for Year 6. We are thrilled to continue to serve you and your students from 2024-2028.