Setting the Stage for Learning in Schools: Theatre Artists In The Classroom


“Theatre is fun. It’s flexible. You can use it to develop vocabulary or to build self-confidence. It’s really a powerful learning medium that allows us to develop life skills [...]

Setting the Stage for Learning in Schools: Theatre Artists In The Classroom2024-10-30T14:29:56-04:00

Literary Arts in Schools: Writing Workshops to Understand Ourselves, Our Experiences and the World We Live In


“Basically, we human beings, what we do is we tell stories. We tell stories about everything.” Raquel Rivera Writing Workshops to Understand Ourselves, Our Experiences and the World We [...]

Literary Arts in Schools: Writing Workshops to Understand Ourselves, Our Experiences and the World We Live In2024-11-22T14:37:25-05:00

Beyond Virtual: Distance Learning Art Workshops That Carry On After The Screens Turn Off


As we adjust further into life with physical distancing, we are discovering more about the ways we can reach youth with online art education. Listening to young students speak [...]

Beyond Virtual: Distance Learning Art Workshops That Carry On After The Screens Turn Off2022-01-11T23:46:52-05:00
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