Singer-songwriter Rob Lutes lead a music workshop on the blues at William Latter Elementary.  He played and sang, sharing examples of the blues, captivating the students.  Rob taught the brief history behind the blues and showed how to apply that history on a practical basis into the music.  The students then had the opportunity to create and share their own ideas when writing lyrics.

Rob has eight albums and an extensive touring history in Canada, the US and Europe. His aim in teaching songwriting and creativity is to help young people bypass their own internal critic to allow themselves the joy of creation.

William Latter Elementary School’s ArtistsInspire Grant was made possible by an ELAN Quebec/LEARN partnership for students from Quebec’s English-speaking communities to participate in arts and culture experiences, thanks in part to funding from the Government of Canada.

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Rob Lutes leading the blues. (Photo by Nicole Julien)

Listening intently to the Blues at William Latter Elementary.

Photo by Nicole Julien: Listening to the Blues at William Latter Elementary