In December, ELAN Artist Adele Reeves worked with Mansonville Elementary students to create a vibrant new mural for their school!
On the first day they met as a school and discussed thoughts and ideas for the mural. She orchestrated the groups and allowed their ideas to inspire the mural. For the following four days Adele met with each class for a period and worked on creating the mural in phases. At first large sections of wall were painted different colours to show night and day and the transitions in between. Each day more and more details were added based on the ideas and abilities of the different groups. On the fourth day the school admired their work and discussed what final touches were needed, and Adele added her artistic flare. They cleaned up on the last day and sat in a circle to discuss the week and reflect on their creation.
Teachers at Mansonville praised Adele’s professionalism and “patient way of being that kept us focused and on task”. Thanks to Adele’s facilitation of mural art, the school cafeteria is now brighter and more engaging, and provides a sense of pride for the students.
Masonville Elementary School’s ArtistsInspire Grant experience was made possible by an ELAN Quebec/LEARN partnership for students from Quebec’s English-speaking communities to participate in arts and culture experiences, thanks in part to funding from Heritage Canada through the Government of Canada.
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Collage of the progression in stages.

Working together, art for everyone.