For a week in late February, ArtistsInspire Grants helped bring the Arts directly to students and communities on the Lower North Shore. For the first time, Musée Ambulant, a travelling contemporary art exhibition, visited Mgr-Scheffer School in Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon and Mountain Ridge Elementary School in Old-Fort to deliver a unique arts experience.  

Musée Ambulant designed an exhibition showcasing the talents of professional artists that demonstrates the richness and diversity of contemporary creation in Quebec. The theme of the exhibition was how the natural world inspires artists in wonderful ways.  Musée Amublant and its arts educators offered various activities for the students, including interactive visits of an art and crafts exhibition and workshops where students could develop their own creativity. Exhibition highlights included work by Indigenous artists Lydia Mestokosho-Paradis, from the Innu community of Ekuanitshit, and Caroline Monnet, an Algonquin-French artist based in Montreal.  Their art allowed students to discover animation and video editing techniques while considering the issues raised by socially engaged practices.

Mgr-Scheffer School’s Student Life Animator, Sarah Foster, expressed her appreciation that Musee Ambulant visited students in their isolated community, providing otherwise unavailable access to visual arts, “We are very happy that ELAN helps artists bringing joy and new activities to our isolated communities… our remoteness is not an obstacle for ELAN.”

Musée Ambulant is a non-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate and bring contemporary art to the public, wherever they may reside. Since 2017 Musée Ambulant has been visiting communities across the province to spark encounters between professional art and artistic practices, and audiences, especially those with limited access to art. Facebook & Instagram@museeambulant

Mgr-Scheffer School Grade 4 students viewing a local piece of art at the Musée Ambulant. (Photo by Erica Monger-Jones)

Mgr-Scheffer School Grade 4 students thinking about the creation process with Musée Ambulant. (Photo by Erica Monger-Jones)