Whenever possible, schools are required to work with eligible local Artists. When local Artists are not available in the disciplines and/or specialties requested by schools, Artists may be eligible for travel expenses. Our travel budget is limited. As such, when a school has selected an Artist, they will need to fill out a Travel Form to be approved by the ArtEd team. When considering travel, the ArtEd team will look at the impact the project will have on the school and community and whether there are other more local Artists that could facilitate a similar experience. We may ask the school to contribute to the travel expenses, if possible, using other funds (e.g. combining an ArtistsInspire grant with Culture in the Schools funding is a great way to extend a project and cover costs). In some cases, we may need to use some of the funds from the ArtistsInspire grant in order to offset costs, which may affect the number of workshops the Artist will be facilitating. We may also ask that a school rearrange their schedule so as to be to accommodate consecutive workshops in order to save on travel expenses (e.g. accommodation and food).

In regions where a visiting Artist/Arts organization is required to travel further than 100 km each way, ELAN may request that schools select an Artist/Arts Organization available to work with multiple schools in a School Board and/or geographic region when possible. See details in the guideline for eligible artists’ fees and expenses.