february, 2021

This is a repeating event

18feb1:00 pm2:00 pmBetter Writing Through HAIKU - Literarywith Angela Leuck

Event Details

Ages: 8 + (Grade 2 and up)
Part 1 / Thursday February 18, 2021 / 1 – 2 pm
Part 2 / Thursday February 25, 2021 / 1 – 2 pm

The world’s shortest poem, haiku, is a great warm-up for better writing. This easy-to-learn, three-line poem teaches important writing skills, like picking the right word, describing a scene and using the five senses. Poet and former homeschooling mom herself, Angela Leuck will present haiku basics in Workshop 1 so that students can begin writing their own haiku immediately. In Workshop 2, students will share and edit each other’s poems without knowing who wrote them. This “anonymous” approach makes editing lots of fun and creates greater writing confidence.

Materials: small notebook, pen

QEP Compentencies

ELA: To use language/talk to communicate and to learn; To represent literacy in different media; To write a variety of genres for personal and social purposes
ESL: To interact orally in English; To write and produce English texts
Visual Arts: To create personal and media images
CCC: Uses information, Uses creativity, Uses information and communications technologies, Communicates appropriately


(Thursday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


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