june, 2020

This is a repeating event

05jun11:00 am12:00 pmREFLECTIONS ON WATERWith Emily Rose Michaud

Event Details

Have you ever looked at a water molecule under a microscope? There are six sides, just like a snowflake. During this workshop, students use drawing and sketching to further develop their understanding of the water cycle as well as habits and attitudes that favour the protection, conservation and improvement of the environment. No drawing skill or experience is necessary – only a desire to relax and be creative. We will create a six-sided hexagon with a center pattern. Reflected from the micro to the macro in the world as we know it, is a pattern found in nature and seen in biology, geology, chemistry, physics and astronomy.

Target Age Group: 7 and up

Materials: Scissors, drawing paper (black, white or coloured), pencil + eraser, colouring pencils, sharpener, ruler, compass (optional)

Part 1: Friday, June 5 @ 11AM-12PM
Part 2: Friday, June 12 @ 11AM-12PM


(Friday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

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