december, 2020

This is a repeating event

03dec2:30 pm3:30 pmMake a Video Ad - Digital Art, Videowith Sam Asmar

Event Details

Ages: 10 – 17 (Grade 5 – 11)
Part 1 / Thursday December 3, 2020 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm
Part 2 / Thursday December 10, 2020 / 2:30 – 3:30 pm

Description: In this workshop, students will have fun playing a slogan/logo company matching game to explore how some of their favourite brands use artistic ideas, images, and words to get consumers to buy in! Then, they will work together to design the next “best-sellers”, creating their own products and brands, writing convincing short commercial scripts, and performing on camera to make a video. Participants will use creativity and tech skills while becoming more savvy consumers.

Materials: Paper, pen, any digital camera (Phone, tablet, camera), any editing software (e.g. iMovie, Moviemaker) or open a free account at before the workshop

Artist Bio: Sam Asmar’s approach is to get students engaged in creating from the get-go! As a teacher, project development specialist, and artist, his goal is to inspire people to learn through creation. Whether the skill is writing, making a movie, recording a radio program, or selling art, the most powerful way to learn it is by doing it! Sam helps people develop successful artistic projects that reflect their own skills, abilities and passions.

QEP Competencies

Visual Arts: Creates media images, Appreciates images
Dramatic Arts:Creates dramatic works, Performs dramatic works
ELA: Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn, Represents her/his literacy in different media, Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts, Writes a variety of genres for personal and social purposes
ESL: Interacts orally in English, Writes and produces English texts
CCC: Uses information, Exercises critical judgment, Uses creativity, Uses information and communications technologies, Cooperates with others, Communicates appropriately


(Thursday) 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm EST


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