About Jason Campbell

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So far Jason Campbell has created 40 blog entries.

Arts Consultants On The Value Of Art Education: Connecting With Oneself, Others, And Curriculum


Arts Consultants On The Value Of Art Education: Connecting With Oneself, Others, And Curriculum Arts consultants play an essential role in the education system. Often experienced artists and educators [...]

Arts Consultants On The Value Of Art Education: Connecting With Oneself, Others, And Curriculum2022-12-05T13:01:22-05:00

Is Supporting Youth (ages 15-29) Important to You? Paid Professional Development Opportunity for Teaching Artists!


Is Supporting Youth (ages 15-29) Important to You? Paid Professional Development Opportunity for Teaching Artists! ELAN’s ArtEd team is excited to announce the second year of our 3-year Youth [...]

Is Supporting Youth (ages 15-29) Important to You? Paid Professional Development Opportunity for Teaching Artists!2023-01-03T12:27:31-05:00

Youth Mental Health Initiative: Supporting Students Through Supporting Teaching Artist


Making The Case For Youth Mental Health And Art Education Research shows what Teaching Artists understand through experience: Art Education is key to improving Youth Mental Health. According to [...]

Youth Mental Health Initiative: Supporting Students Through Supporting Teaching Artist2022-04-06T15:40:21-04:00

Butler Elementary School: Connecting Teachers, Teaching Artists And Students Through Art Education


Connecting Teachers, Teaching Artists And Students Through Art Education Sometimes feedback comes in that exemplifies ArtistsInspire’s goals of connecting teachers, artists and students through Art Education, learning more about [...]

Butler Elementary School: Connecting Teachers, Teaching Artists And Students Through Art Education2022-03-24T12:03:29-04:00
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