Bettina Forget

Specialities: Creative writing, Drawing, Painting, Stop Motion Animation, Zines

Contact Info

Phone Number
Website address
Other Weblink
Resides in
English Montreal

Social Media

Experience working with

  • Cycle 3 Elementary
  • Secondary 1 & 2

Lifelong Learners

  • Adult Learners

I regularly explore the following Broad Areas of Learning/Themes in my work


Listed in the Quebec Culture in the Schools Repertoire

  • No

I can facilitate virtual creative experiences

  • Yes


  • I am available for travel within the same day
  • An extended residency is an option
I am an artist and art educator specializing in STEAM Education. I use science as a creative prompt to spark the imagination, both in my own creative practice as well as in my educational activities. I direct the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute’s Artist-in-Residence program and am a doctoral candidate in Art Education at Concordia University. I have led STEAM workshops and curricula in primary schools, high schools, universities, art galleries, and science museums.

Creative Approach and Experiences Offered

My STEAM workshops aim to blur the boundaries between art and science. The focus of my educational activities is to create a sense of wonder and discovery.
My Imagine Aliens workshops are fuelled by an intriguing question: Are we alone in the universe? The workshops use science concepts, story ideas, and images from the world of science as creative prompts to spark the development of speculative fiction, animations, zines, and other forms of artistic expression. A series of specially designed playing cards provide creative prompts, which are paired with information pages on the Imagine Aliens website that allow workshop participants to explore the fascinating world of astrobiology and exoplanet research.
The Imagine Aliens project is flexible - it can be delivered as a single workshop, a series of workshops, or as a curriculum. I'm always delighted to work collaboratively with one or more subject teachers to adapt the workshop format to best fit the needs and interests of the school.


Imagine Aliens Intro, Bettina Forget
My Hungry Martian - Stop-motion animation
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